Amateur Radio

I’m a licensed Amateur (Ham) Radio operator in El Paso, Texas, who formerly volunteered in Emergency Management communications in Pa.  But it's all about my on-air friends and DX'ing now (love those e-QSL cards). I'm an  "HF newbie" with a 100W base station, an end-fed antenna on AC and generator.  A recent disability revived my interest in radio and has greatly helped in my recovery.  It also opened doors for me to spend more time with some pretty special people. 

Emergency Communications

My experiences back East during 9/11 in A.R.E.S, R.A.C.E.S, F.E.M.A. Red Cross, Skywarn (and with the U.S.A.F.'s Civil Air Patrol in El Paso) provided me with excellent training in Emergency Mgnt comm protocols. My service was purposeful, fulfilling and yielded many certifications.  I strongly encourage all hams to participate as their circumstances allow, and to make a difference in their communities.


Second to my love for my family, is my love for photographing and videotaping flight demonstrations and wildlife, ham radio, fishing, camping and playing jazz fusion on guitar.  These are all very challenging and equally rewarding.  And they offer a way for me to share the fun with my peeps, and my results with family and friends. Also, they help me cope.
The Lowdown
I retired in 2016 from surgical complications and declining health, following a career as a multimedia expert, specializing in evidentiary photography, videography, media analysis and courtroom testimony.  I've worked closely with legal, law enforcement, military, federal, aviation, aerospace and  small business. My new physical limitations pose new challenges.  But as one door closes, another one opens, and I am constantly looking for ways to regain my stride.  Ham radio offers many options in that regard, for service and fun.  I thank my good friends (K5TRW, WB5UNG and WA5KYV) for their encouragement to upgrade to General Class, and to WB5GJK (silent key) whom I dearly miss.   So, let the fun begin.   If you hear N3ZRR on the HF bands, please chime in and send those e-QSL cards.    73's Bob

Note:  My apology for not having more Amateur Radio photos.   I got into ham radio with community service in mind, and at a time when Emergency Management comm (ARES, RACES, Skywarn, etc.) was the priority for 9/11 support.  Sure there was some fun too.  But I didn't own a digital camera back then.  Not sure they had been invented yet (haha).  So I can only hope to add pics as time move on.  
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