     I built this site to share some of my best memories as a photog,with my friends.  Many of them were taken alongside or somehow in coordination with you.  It is my personal site, so it offers much more than Amateur Radio.  In fact, while active in ARES, RACES and Skywarn during the 9/11 era, I wasn't thinking about taking pictures.  So there are no pics of me except for a QST article.  But I do have GB's of imagery which I hope you can enjoy, 

     My passion for life, airshows, music, photography and the great outdoors is evident.  And my intro to amateur radio was based primarily on emergency management comms, pre-and-post 9/11.    I was the Skywarn Coordinator of Montgomery County, PA for a time as well.  And only recently, transitioned to Amateur Radio as pure fun.  Might even resume my interest in DXing satellites and the ISS.   We'll see.

  Conversely, I've also felt the hurt of unexpected loss of dear friends, with precious little to hang on to once they were gone.  Airshows have mishaps and I've lost too many beautiful friends.  Their loved ones have come to me for pictures.  That, plus a few other motivations sparked my interest in a Legacy Site.

     Given the global trend of replacing personal interaction with texting, email and social media, I've decided to create my own legacy site.  It may sound narcissistic, but it's actually about honoring life The gifts we are given, how we chose to use and share them.  Social media promotes virtual quantity instead of real life quality. It's users are exploited unwittingly,  It fosters a climate to easily claim that we are too busy to call or visit each other on Holidays, birthdays, or to just "hello how R U'".  And if that's OK, what else are we willing to be too busy for?  What personal decisions, privacy invasions or relationships are we willing to surrender?  Well I'm old school. And I do love technology.  But I'm still smart enough NOT to allow social media apps to seduce me into becoming a casual, uncaring, and impersonal, mindless robot.
Note: If you currently text your dog or cat, disregard the aforementioned.  It's too late for you  Oy...

    As such, it's my intent to use social media to share some of my best "real life experiences" with my "real life friends".  My photography depicts incredible people: friends, Icons, leprechauns, celebs and everyday folks who see themselves as equals.  Real people living lives, enjoying their liberty and pursuing their happiness.  I love and honor you all.
    So, live your life like there's no tomorrow, and make it fun for those around you,   Cheers, blues skies and happy days.  BD

P.S. This is NOT a family site.  Once this beta is done, I hope to build a separate "family only media site".   But I have lots of privacy and security issues to resolve before then.

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